Multilingual Sections

The very special approach of this extension (reduce reliance on too many third party extensions, leave as much to core functionality as possible) doesn’t require special multilingual field types – you’re open to use whichever core or custom fields you like when setting up your multilingual sections.

Note: The more popular approach to multilingualism in Symphony CMS relies on specific multilingual versions for each different field type – these multilingual fields won’t be of any use when working with this extension.

Field settings

Injecting “multilingual behavior” into any (non-multilingual) type of field is as easy as including the same kind of field multiple times (one dedicated to each supported language) and give them the same base-handle followed by a dash and the respective language code:

![IMAGE "Multilingual Sections: Field settings"]

Note: In most cases, it will make sense to mark at least all default language fields as required, while fields that only contain translations can always be marked as optional.

UI optimization

To provide your clients with a clean and simple user interface, you should use an additional UI extensions like Parenthesis Tabs.

![IMAGE "Parenthesis Tabs"]